onsdag 26 mars 2014

Buch: Das Gehemnis der Statue.

Zwei Jungen , Yannick und max, spiele Fussball. Yannick schiesst den Ball in einen Garten. Max holt den Ball und findet eine Plastiktüte. Er nimmt den Ball und die Plastiktüte. In der Plastiktüte ist eine kleine Statue. 

måndag 17 mars 2014


Fantasy är en genre där en avvikande verklighet, till exempel magi eller andra övernaturliga företeelser, spelar en viktig roll.  I en Fantasy text har man oftast en annan värld som huvudpersonen kommer till (denna världen är väldigt lik en sagovärld), man behöver då en väg som man tar för att komma till den andra världen som heter portal. 
Det är mycket känt att ha ett uppdrag eller en resa som man följer under hela berättelsen. Det brukat också finnas en ond makt som vill förhindra uppdraget som huvudpersonen försöker uppnå, detta använder man för att få bra förhålanden till den dramaturgiska kurvan.  

Man kan ofta blanda ihop fanaty och science fiction, man kan se skillnaden genom att fantasy har ett annat förhållande till realismen. Scince fiction är som namnet tyder en mer vetenskapligt fiction medan fantasy innehåller mer orealistiska saker, tex, magi. 

Några exempel på böcker och filmer som är fantasy: 

Narnia - C.S. Lewis
Sagan om ringen - J.R.R. Tolkien

The mortal instrument - city of bones -   Cassandra Clare.

fredag 14 mars 2014


Christopher is fifteen years old and has Aspergers’s syndrome. He doesn’t like when people touch him. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he saw this terrifying thing, his fear of going further was gone...

It was 7 minutes after midnight, his neighbours dog was lying in the middle of the lawn with a garden fork right through his body. Christopher couldn’t believe it, the dog was dead. He ran over to the dog and hugged him. The dog was still warm and covered with blood. Christopher really liked dogs. He always knew what they wanted because they just had four moods, happy, sad, cross and concentrating. Also, dogs are very faithful and they don't tell lies. 

Christopher hugged the dog for five minutes, when suddenly the owner of the dog, Mrs Shears, ran out from the house. She started screaming at Christopher and he got very scared. He put his hands on his ears , closed his eyes and rolled forward till he was hunched up with his forehead pressed onto the grass. Now he couldn't hear her screaming anymore. The grass was wet and cold, Christopher enjoyed it. 

He heard some noise coming from the street. He looked up and saw the police coming. He liked the police, they have uniforms and they always do what they are meant to do. 
One of the policemen came up to Christopher. He started asking questions about the dog. 
And there was one question that Christopher wanted to give a good  answer to, but he just couldn't get it out of his mouth. It was the answer to the question ”Why were you holding the dog?” The policeman got impatient and asked forcefully ”Did you kill the dog
Christopher got very stressed and rolled back onto the lawn and pressed his forehead to the ground, but this time he also made a noise called groaning to stop all the sounds from the outside. 

Suddenly the policeman took hold of Christophers arm and lifted him onto his feet. Christopher didn’t like when people touched him, and that was when he hit the policeman. 

Discussion leader

  1. ”On page 40, paragraph 20” Who was the yungest of all the siblings? 
  2. ”On page 40, paragraph 10” Who were the children send to? 
  3. ”On page 41, paragraph 55” What did the childer look for to do on the next morning? 
  4. On page 42, paragraph 85” Were did the siblings find the wordrobe? 
  5. ”on page 43 paragraph 145” Who did Lucy meet when she walked in to the wordorobe? 

Character tracer

The main character is a 15 years old woman. She goes to a boarding school, St. Martin’s school, in Africa where her mother and father teach. The main character is the only white pupil in that school. She really likes going to school, and being with her friends. Sometimes she even forgets that she is white, which shows that she feels very comfortable there. She doesn’t sleep or live in her parents’ house, she lives with her friends in a dormitory. 

The girl is in love with a boy that is also in her school. His name is Gift. Everytime he runs by, her heart starts to beat twice as fast as normal. 

He is two years older then she is. Gift is tall, strong and very handsome. The only problem with him is that he is engaged with another girl. When the main character finds out that he is engaged, she becomes very sad. Suddenly, she doesn’t know what to say to him anymore. She starts to wonder why he actually asked her to come with him to his house. Before, she was sure that he loved her, but now she is not sure anymore. She decides that she will come over it and learn more about Africa instead. 


”The street of a city can be a battlefield, in this story Richard Wrights about how his mother thought him how to survive in such a street.”

The boy was very hungry and he complained about it all the time. But his mother sad that he need to wait. He looked at his mother and sad again ”I am hungry”. She answered ”where is your father?” the boy knew that it was his father that always brought food home, but his father wasn’t there anymore and because of that the boy knew he won't get any food. 

The days passed and the boy was more and more hungry, finally his mother found a job and gave them a lot of bread. But the boys were alone in the apartment all day and then their mother came back she was tired and unhappy. She learned them very soon how to take care of them selfs and one day she asked the older soon to go to the grocery and buy food. The boy did as his mother told him, but on the way to the grocery he meet a gang. They knocked him down took his note, his basket and the money from his mother and sen him running home in panic. When he came back home his mother asked him what happened and why he don't have the groceries that she asked for. The boy told her everything, but she sad ”Go on and don't pay attention to them”. The same thing happened one more time but this time when the boy was back home his mother wouldn't let him in until he had the groceries she asked for. She gave him a new basket some more money and a long heavy stick. This time when the gang came close he could protect himself and it worked the gang run away. He finally understood what just happened, he took his note and went to the store proud and happy as never.  

fredag 7 mars 2014

Dystopi (Även kallas Anti-utopi)

Namnet Dystopi kommer från grekiskan och betyder ”dålig plats”. 
Negativ samhällsberättelse om framtiden. det är ett kraftfullt sätt att kritisera det nuvarande samhället och vilka konsekvenser det kan ha.
Dystopi är mottsattsen till UTOPI, vilket är ett idealsamhälle i framtiden.
Vad andra (samhället) tycker är bra, men kan också vara en negativ sak som påverkar framtiden, men man ser det inte som ett hot just nu.  

Exempel på vad dystopier kan handla om: 

Under1900-talet (rädsla för) = teknologi, övervakning
Under 200-talet (rädsla för)  = miljöproblem, överbefolkning, medicinsk forskning, kontroll. 

Exempel på dystropi litteratur: 
• Hungerspelen, av Suzanne Collins
• Oönskad, av Gemma Malley
• 1984, av George Ormel

• Gullivers resor, av Jonathan Swift